The average house price on DOLLY LANE is £1,017,771
The most expensive house in the street is 54A DOLLY LANE with an estimated value of £2,050,685
The cheapest house in the street is WAHAB DIN BUILDINGS DOLLY LANE with an estimated value of £286,594
The house which was most recently sold was 54A DOLLY LANE, this sold on 23 Dec 2021 for £1,900,000
The postcodes for DOLLY LANE are LS9 7TU, LS9 7NN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 DOLLY LANE £513,714 £398,000 30 Jun 2017
54A DOLLY LANE £2,050,685 £1,900,000 23 Dec 2021
DIMPLEX HOUSE, 53 DOLLY LANE £1,220,094 £1,020,000 22 Sep 2020
WAHAB DIN BUILDINGS DOLLY LANE £286,594 £230,000 13 Aug 2018